A huge sigh of relief as New Zealand finally enters alert level 2. It feels great being able to move forward. Now we can all get back to property inspections, within the recommended guidelines of course.

Insurance Council
Don't worry about having no property inspections during alert levels 3 and 4. The Insurance Council and ombudsman have said that regardless of the alert level claims will not be rejected if inspections are disrupted as a result of Covid-19.
What Insurance Council Says About Virtual Property Inspections
Many landlords and property managers alike have taken a liking to virtual property inspections using platforms like Zoom or Facebook.
As a team, we choose to forgo this option during all alert levels as it would not have achieved the comprehensive detail and examination we need from inspections to ensure the property is in good condition, and would not satisfy the level of service our clients expect.
Looks like we made the right choice, as the Insurance Council has since advised that "virtual inspections are a good supplement to record some information a landlord may require, but it does not replace a physical inspections which is required to meet insurance obligations."
In-Person Property Inspections
So with that said, it's clear that in-person inspections are far preferable to virtual. Here are some guidelines to follow, recommended by Tenancy Services to not only protect yourself and tenants, but also reassure tenants that you are doing all you can to be safe in their home-bubble.
On the day of inspection contact tenants to confirm they are well and ask them to fill in a Covid-19 registration form to confirm they have not been sick in the last 14 days.
Ask tenants to open all doors and cupboards so minimal touching is necessary during the inspection.
Reassure the tenant you are well, have not been sick the last 14 days, and will keep to social distancing throughout the visit.
Hand sanitise before and after inspection.
Wear a face mask and gloves during the entire inspection, and always keep 2m social distancing.
If the tenant is sick you will need to reschedule.
We hope you've found this article informative. If you're considering Property Management get in touch with us today. Locally owned and managed, we offer residential property management services across the entire Wellington & Hutt Valley region.
We take care of investments, offering peace of mind and a personal service to investors and tenants alike. Our solutions are backed by industry-leading technology and proven systems that promote both excellent property care and strong investment returns. Taking on all aspects of the landlord’s role, we guide our clients with professional, tailored advice using our extensive experience and insight in the rental market that can only be built over time.
If you would like to chat about the possibility of working together, or to receive a no-obligation, FREE Rental Appraisal get in touch with our team today.
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Call Jordan Atkinson - 027 297 0873
Quinovic Hutt Valley | Wellington
Call Helen Vance - 027 487 8103
Quinovic Kent Terrace | Wellington
Call Jordan Atkinson - 027 297 0873
Quinovic Wellington Property Managers
Article written: May 2020